Recycling plays a crucial role in protecting the environment, conserving natural resources, and reducing waste. In Ireland, recycling efforts have been continuously improving over the years, with the government and citizens coming together to create a sustainable future. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on what can and cannot be recycled, along with some essential recycling tips to help individuals make a positive impact on the environment.

  1. What Can Be Recycled? click here to view

In Ireland, the list of recyclable materials is extensive, making it easier for residents to contribute to recycling efforts. The following items can typically be placed in your Recycle Right recycling bin:

a. Paper and Cardboard: Letters & brochures, Newspapers, magazines, cardboard boxes (flat), office paper, cereal boxes, Tetra Pak Juice or milk cartons and egg boxes

b. Rigid Plastic: Plastic bottles, beverage containers, milk cartons, Butter, Yoghurt & Salad Tubs, cleaning bottles (ensure they are rinsed), soap or shampoo bottles and plastic food containers (please remove any non-recyclable parts like metal clips).

c. Metal: Soup cans, pet food cans, drink cans and food cans can be recycled. Remember to rinse them out and ensure they are dry and loose.


  1. Sorting Your Recycling

To ensure the recycling process is efficient, it’s crucial to sort your recyclables correctly. Here are some essential tips:

a. Rinse and Clean: Rinse all containers before placing them in the recycling bin. Food residue can contaminate other materials and reduce their recyclability.

b. Remove Lids and Caps: As mentioned earlier, remove lids and caps from bottles and containers. These are often made from different materials and should be recycled separately or disposed of properly.

c. Flatten Cardboard: Flatten cardboard boxes to save space in your recycling bin and facilitate easier processing at recycling centers.

d. No Plastic Bags: Plastic bags cannot be recycled in household recycling bins. Reuse them when possible.


  1. Additional Recycling Opportunities

Beyond the standard household recycling bin, there are additional opportunities to recycle specific items:

a. Electrical and Electronic Waste (WEEE): Old electronic devices, batteries, and small household appliances can be recycled at authorised collection points.

b. Hazardous Waste: Items such as paint, chemicals, and batteries should be disposed of responsibly at designated recycling centers to prevent environmental harm.

Recycling is a collective effort, and as responsible citizens, we have the power to make a positive impact on the environment. In Ireland, the recycling program has come a long way, making it easier for residents to contribute to sustainability. By knowing what goes into your recycling bin and following proper sorting practices, you can play your part in conserving resources, reducing waste, and preserving the planet for future generations. Let us all continue to work together towards a greener, more sustainable Ireland.