You will have received three bins with three different coloured lids, each lid identifies what material should be placed in each bin:
• Blue Lid: Recyclable Material Only
• Brown Lid: Organic / Compostable Material
• Black Lid: General Waste (For any remaining material)

All of your bins are electronically chipped which allows us to make sure that you receive a credit off your renewal invoice for any general waste bin collections that you did not use. You can view your account details, how many times your bin was emptied, download collection calendars and make a payment by logging in with your account details and password on
We request that you only put the correct bins out for collection each week as we can only collect two types of material per week. And don’t forget that the less you put your General Waste (Black Lid) bin out, the less you pay.
How we collect
We use specialised vehicles to collect two streams of material in only one pass, meaning that we cut down on the number of trucks passing your door and also cut our emissions. The vehicles are separated internally, meaning that even though we collect two bins in one truck the material remains segregated at all times. Once the truck is full it travels to an authorised waste facility where the material is reloaded into larger vehicles before being transported to a recycling or recovery facility.
Unlike some other waste companies we provide you with a weekly waste collection service, we collect your organic waste every week and recycling on alternate weeks. But don’t worry, you don’t have to remember what to put out every week, we text you the evening before your bin collection to remind you what bins to put out. Or if you would like a calendar of your collections, download a printable version by logging onto with your account number and password.